Learn About Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin, which aids the body in a number of ways. Its primary function is to protect the cells of the body from oxidative damage, that is damage due to oxygen reactions. It also acts as a sex hormone, natural blood thinner (anti-clotting agent), and skin preservative. The vitamin helps block scar formation and speeds …

Learn About Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread, especially in Northern regions as well as in individuals who are housebound. The elderly are the most vulnerable to developing the deficiency. As described in Alive Magazine a recent study performed in a Massachusetts hospital determined that nearly 6 of 10 patients suffered from some degree of the deficiency. Hans Larsen, medical researcher, notes that …

Learn About Vitamin A

A greater number of deaths result from vitamin A deficiency than those caused by virtually all other deficiencies combined. The deaths largely occur in poor countries. However, increasingly, deaths are being attributed to vitamin A deficiency in Westernized countries. In children, adolescents, and the elderly lack of vitamin A greatly increases the risks for potentially life-threatening infections. The deficiency is …

Learn About Yeast/Fungus Infestation

Yeasts and fungi readily infect virtually any region of the body, both in males and females. These organisms commonly cause genital infections. They are also a major cause of skin disorders as well as chronic disease.

Learn About Tuberculosis Risk

Note: this is not an attempt to diagnose TB. It is for general knowledge only to illustrate the potential risks. Nearly everyone has this germ living in his/her body. Active TB can only be diagnosed by a physician.

Learn About Pesticide/Herbicide Intoxication

Everyone is contaminated with pesticide and herbicide residues. The key is to discern the degree of contamination. This test measures primarily for chronic contamination, although acute exposure may also be determinable. Pesticides/herbicides poison the nervous system and, thus, many of the symptoms are related to this system.

Learn About Mercury Intoxication

All North Americans have excessively high mercury levels in their organs. The mercury is deposited mainly in the liver, kidneys, nerves, spinal cord, and brain. Even relatively small amounts of mercury may lead to organ dysfunction. Dental amalgam is made largely from mercury, and this is the major source for chronic human poisoning.

Learn About Male Hormone Imbalance

For men only, this test evaluates the existence of a male hormone imbalance, which may be manifested by either excessive or diminished hormone levels. The methods for inducing a balancing in the hormone system is the similar in both instances.

Learn About Liver Dysfunction

Virtually everyone is likely to suffer from at least some degree of liver dysfunction. Those who score with only a few points are indeed the rare individuals whose lifestyles are superb or whose genetics are ultra-powerful.